
Contact us

Do you need further information? Please contact Drivalia - via phone or via e-mail.

On August 1st 2023 the name of LeasePlan Česká republika, s.r.o., was changed to Drivalia Lease Czech Republic s.r.o.

Drivalia Lease Czech Republic s.r.o.

Office Park Nové Butovice
Bucharova 1423/6
158 00 Praha 5

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Invoicing details:

IČ: 63671069
DIČ: CZ63671069

Drivalia Lease Czech Republic s.r.o. is registered at the City Court in Prague under the enclosure C 37940.

Branch offices:

Jana Babáka 11, 612 00

Poděbradova 2738/16, 702 00